Amalgam or ‘silver’ fillings were once very common but due to concerns about their mercury content, they have been superseded by white composite fillings. People are also choosing to replace amalgam fillings to remove the potential risk from their body. At Sunshine Coast Smile Centre we recommend replacing worn, chipped or broken amalgam fillings with
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Contact us if you are would like to see a dentist on the Sunshine Coast, but are nervous or anxious about the procedure. We offer IV sedated dentistry or sleep dentistry at our clinic in Cotton Tree. We have been operating for many years and we have come to understand that dental visits can cause high
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Since we took ownership of the Sunshine Coast Smile Centre in 2007 we have worked hard to build a Dental Care Culture that focuses firmly on our patients. Being an independent family owned and operated dental practice, we firmly believe in the good old fashioned values of excellent customer service and quality care. Our promise
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Root Canal Procedure…. It is a phrase that sends shivers down the spine of hundreds of thousands of people around the world. But what if I told you a Root Canal Procedure will not be as bad as you think? How would you feel about it then? Root canal, or endodontic treatment as
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Crowns Dental Crowns are made of natural looking porcelain and are made to improve your overall smile or to blend in with your own teeth whilst strengthening the existing tooth structure. A porcelain crown is the restoration of choice when a filling or inlay/onlay will no longer suffice. Crowns surround the tooth like a hat
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As parents we all worry about our children’s teeth. Tooth decay can be a real issue for both children and teenagers alike. Luckily decay along with many other common dental ailments can be prevented. The following are some things that you can do as parents to ensure your children maintain an optimum level of
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You might not be aware of this but the state of your gums play a major role in not only your overall dental health, but also your whole well-being too. If your gums are a little tender and red, if you feel sharp pains when eating or drinking, or if see blood in the
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According to a recent study by the Australian Institute of Health & Welfare some 64% of people aged 5 and over had cause to visit the dentist in the previous year. That equates to around 15 million patients. For many their reason to visit the dentist was for a routine check-up and clean.
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Dental Fillings is a popular technique to restore the structure and function of a tooth that has been lost, decayed or damaged. You might not be aware of this but as a procedure Dental Fillings have actually been around since the early 1500s! They can affect anyone. Even those who maintain a good,
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It is fair to say Aveen Kerr is the driving force behind Sunshine Coast Smile Centre. Without her the dental practice simply wouldn’t be as successful as it is today. In her role as Practice Development Manager Aveen has been fully focused on the strategic development of the practice. Starting out in 2010
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