Good Food for Healthy Teeth
Some foods and drinks are magic for supporting healthy teeth and saliva. Anything that helps to reduce acids and is low in sugar tends to help our teeth, like these wonderful snacks…
- Unsweetened Dairy. Dairy products like natural yoghurt and cheese is not only loaded with probiotics, but helps to neutralise acids in saliva to prevent holes forming.
- Water. No big surprises here! Water helps flush away food debris while supporting our saliva to protect our healthy teeth from decay.
- Green Tea. The naturally occurring chemicals in green tea actually help strengthen teeth against decay! You’re also going to get much less staining from green tea compared to black teas – just watch out for that slow release of caffeine though.
- Nuts. Another lovely snack that keeps the acids in your mouth low while helping to physically scrub your healthy teeth as your chew.
Questionable Food for Healthy Teeth
Some foods and drinks that are healthy can work against us if we don’t eat them with a healthy mindset. Watch out for these foods and drinks, especially if you’re snacking on them regularly.
- Simple Carbohydrates, like white bread. Carbohydrates are a form of sugar, and when snacking on them often enough can keep our teeth at risk of forming holes.
- Fruit and fruit juices. Frequent snacking of the sugars and acids in fruit and juices can mean the risk of decay outweighs the healthy properties of these snacks.
- Milk, especially flavoured milks for young kids. Sending young kids to bed with a sweet or flavoured milk can keep lactose (or milk sugars) on the healthy teeth throughout the night and risk forming holes.
The common risk for all of these questionable foods causing trouble is frequency! Definitely enjoy these lovely treats but keep your intake short and sweet!
Not So Good
Lots of us enjoy chocolate. Simply rinse with water afterwards.
Unfortunately, there’s no two ways to slice it; these foods and drinks are among the worst for our healthy teeth. Limit your intake of these to special occasions and rinse with water after enjoying them!
- Chocolate – why is chocolate so addictive?
- Sweets and candies
- Energy drinks
- Soft drinks
These sticky, sweet foods are loved by acid-producing bacteria in your mouth that quickly turn your sweet treat into decay.
Snack on some nuts.
Phone: (07) 5443 2800 – Contact Maroochydore Dentist: Sunshine Coast Smile Centre