A root canal treatment is often perceived as an uncomfortable and painful procedure, which many people delay having. However, the main purpose of root canal therapy is to relieve pain caused by an infected nerve. Root canal treatments can be performed in-house at our Cotton Tree practice.
Root Canal Treatment
Root Canal Treatment may be required due to an accident where the tooth received a heavy blow or because of deep decay. If the decay is left untreated, an abscess may develop increasing pain and the likelihood of the tooth needing to be removed.
The procedure for a root canal is normally completed over 2 appointments, 2-8 weeks apart. When completed a porcelain crown is often recommended to protect the tooth from fracturing.
When treatment is finished the tooth is saved and restored back to its full function and appearance.
When completed properly root canal treatments have a success rate of over 95% and with the administration of anaesthetic, it is a procedure that can be completed with no discomfort.

If you have tooth pain and want to see a dentist, then contact us.
It might not need you need a root canal but it will be the first step towards a pain free mouth.