It’s a beautiful time of year to celebrate, relax, travel and enjoy the best parts of life, but unfortunately it can be unlucky for some. Toothache Ruin Your Holiday! Toothache doesn’t always respect our holiday plan; be it Maroochydore Sunshine Coast; Snow in Japan or Outback Australia – it almost seems like it waits for the worst times to pop up.
However, a toothache doesn’t have to ruin your holiday. We’ve got a 4 quick tips for how to approach the new year pain free.
Dental Check Up Maroochydore
- Get a general dental check-up.
The tricky thing about dental problems is small issues, like minor cavities, decay, gum disease and precarious teeth, often don’t hurt until it’s a much bigger problem than anyone would hope. Unless you have a keen eye (and x-rap specs) it’s even more difficult to spot these things yourself. That’s where your regular dental check-ups become your best friend. This is preventative dentistry. Your dentist will let you know about anything that should be fixed before it starts hurting you and can let you know about areas that should be reviewed regularly. Toothache Ruin Your Holiday! - Treat when it’s a molehill, not a mountain.
While it can feel disheartening to find out you have a cavity or some calculus building up on your teeth, it’s best to get those things treated while they’re small. Treating a small problem is quicker, kinder, cheaper, and more like to be successful long term than waiting for the problem to get worse. - Don’t ignore the niggles
Twinges, niggles, sensitivity, and unusual sensations aren’t to be ignored, and if they become a hassle later on you’ll kick yourself for not getting it checked sooner. Best case scenario is your little niggle is temporary or easily treated and you get to go home with peace of mind. Toothache Ruins Holidays! - Crowns are worth their weight in gold (even if they’re porcelain)
January is the time of year where dentists hear “I was biting into some pork crackling and it just snapped right off!” almost daily (or some variation of it). Often, the teeth that decide to give up on you right as you’re tucking into the pièce de résistance of your meal are the ones that your dentist has recommended a crown for. Crown’s give at-risk teeth extra protection against all the hard work they do for us – so if you’ve been umm-ing and aah-ing over whether or not to get that crown your dentist has recommended, now is the time to get it sorted.
Dental Crowns Sunshine Coast
Keep in mind some things (like crowns) take a few appointments before you’re in shipshape and rushing your dental treatment with the holiday rush is not a great recipe for a stress-free holiday. Make your appointments as early as you can to give you the best chance of enjoying a toothache-free holiday!
Toothache Ruins Your Holiday
Contact the Maroochydore Dentist: Sunshine Coast Smile Centre. Phone: (07) 5443 2800